New Albany, Thursday, 09/06/18
*Base Week
With a Partner, For Time:
100 Cal Row
10 Rope Climbs (15′)
50 Burpees over Rower
100 Air Squats
50 Burpees over Rower
10 Rope Climbs
100 Cal Row
*30min cap
Rest / Active Recovery
A. 7 Min Movement Flow
10 90/90 Hip Transitions
10 SL Glute Bridges/Side
10 SL Raises
10 Hollow Body Rocks
10 Supermans
10 Heel Drops
5 Push ups to Down Dog
B. For Time:
100 Flutter Kicks
90 MedBall Toe Taps
80 Wall Balls
70 Med Ball Sit ups to wall
60 Push Ups
50 Ring Rows
40 Goblet Squats (53, 35)
20 Russian Twists/Side
100 Double Unders/Singles
C. Finisher
5 Mins of Coach-Led Stretching
- Our next On-Ramp class starts this Monday, 9/10 at 7pm. On-ramp is our getting started program and takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursday nights at 7pm. The full program is 2 weeks long, and the first week is free for anyone wanting try it out! Let your family and friends know!