*Build Week
10min for Quality
10 SA Bench Press / arm
10 SA Band Row / arm
5 SL RDL / leg
10 Cossack Squats / alt
6 Rounds:
20s Walking Lunge
10s Rest
20s Air Squat
10s Rest
-2min rest, then-
6 Rouds:
20s Elevated Push-ups
10s Rest
20s Ring Rows
10s Rest
*2 scores. Total reps from each 6 rounder. Never reach full extension on any movement – goal is to keep muscle under constant tension for as long as possible.
A. 10 Min Movement Flow
10 Walkouts
10 Shoulder Taps
10 Sec Seal Pose
10 Sec Down Dog
10 Mountain Climbers w/ Reach
10 Rockbacks
10 Alternating Swimmers
B. DB Strength
Alternating Tabata
1. DB Alt. Press
2. DB Bicep Curls
C. For Time:
100 Burpees
*5 Sit ups EMOM*
D. Finisher:
Tabata Superman Hold
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