New Albany, Tuesday, 01/30/18

*Deload Week*

Gymnastic Strength / Capacity
8 min to complete
2 Rounds for total reps
ME UB Strict T2B
ME UB Strict MU

Partner WOD
14 min AMRAP
2 Rounds
10 Burpees
10 Pull Ups

*While one partner works, the other partners rows for cals
**When the 2 rounds are finished , partners rotate


A. Correctives – Complete w/ Warm-up
1 Round
25 Banded Scaptions
25 Serratus Punch
25 External Rotation
25 Straigh Arm Pull Aparts
25 OH Pull Aparts

B. 9 min EMOM
Min 1) Sit Ups
Min 2) Ski Erg for cals
Min 3) Rest



For time:
100 Alt. V-Ups
90 Air Squats
80 Mountain Climbers
70 DB Thrusters
60 Lateral Hops over DB
40 KB Deadlifts (53,35)
30 Goblet Squats
20 SA KB Swings (10/side)
10 Manmakers


InBody Scans for the New Year Challenge are available in New Albany until Wednesday night. The unit will head over to East on Thursday and then will return the following Thursday. Get your scan done before we take it to East!