New Albany, Wednesday, 01/10/18

Base Week*

4 min AMRAP
10 Power Cleans (Rx 75, 55#) (Rx+ 135, 95#)
10 Burpees over Bar
1 min Rest

4 min AMRAP
8 Power Cleans (95, 65#) (155, 105#)
8 Burpees over Bar
1 min Rest

4 min AMRAP
6 Power Cleans (115, 75#) (185, 125#)
6 Burpees over Bar
1 min Rest

4 min AMRAP
4 Power Cleans (135, 95#) (205, 145#)
4 Burpees over Bar


30 Ring Muscle Ups for time
*5 cal Bike every time you break. Complete 5 Rounds of 6 C2B Pull-ups + 6 Ring Dips if not able to complete MUs. 
10 min time cap

A. Tabata Goblet Lunge (53, 35)
-1 Min Rest-
Tabata RKBS (53, 35)
-1 Min Rest-
Tabata Forearm to Palm Planks

B. 12 Min EMOM:
1. 40 Sec Double Unders
2. 40 Sec SL KB RDL
3. 40 Sec Lat Hops over KB
4. 40 Sec SA KB Press