New Albany, Wednesday, 01/31/18

*Deload Week*

Clean Complex
6 Minute EMOM
3 Squat Clean

4 Rounds
10 OHS (95, 65#)
50 Double Unders
*RX + (135, 95#)



A. Correctives *Complete w/ Warmup*
2 Rounds
5 Quadruped Hip CARs (Each Side)
10 Bear Squats
5 Barbell SL RDL (Each Side)

B. 6 min EMOM
5 Deadlifts
*Moderately Heavy
**Objective is to practice cycling deadlifts with good position and without bouncing the bar


A. 20 Min EMOM:
Min 1. 45 Sec Battle Ropes
Min 2. 45 Box Step Ups
Min 3. 45 Sec AKBS
Min 4. 45 Sec Shuttle Sprints

B. Cash Out:
3 Rounds, 
15 Sec Plank Hold
15 Sec Push ups
30 Sec Rest



The Internal Throwdown is next Saturday 2/10 at 8:30am! There’s still time to grab a partner and a sign-up sheet in the lobby for anyone still looking. Join us for the after party as well. We’ll break out the Arni’s and beer around 11:45am as we kick back and watch the poor souls who make it to the final 😉 The final should be wrapped up by 12:30pm.