*Base Week – Transitioning out of Hypertrophy into a Max Strength phase over the next 8 weeks.
W/ A Partner:
20min AMRAP
100m OH Carry (50, 35)
50 DB Power Cleans
100m OH Carry
50 DB Forward Lunge
100m OH Carry
50 DB Snatch
*Both partners go out on carry (one DB each). One partner working at a time on reps.
A. 3x Thru:
4 TGUs (2/side)
10 Standing Band Row
10 Single Leg RDL w/ Row per side
*WEEK 5 of our TGU progressions. Switching to standard (not bottom’s up) this week so moving up in weight.
A. 4 Min AMRAP x 5
400m Run
AMRAP of Cindy
-Rest 2 Mins between sets-
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
- Sign-up for a Functional Movement Screen (FMS) in the lobby. All 4B members get 1 FMS and 1 retest a year included with their membership! Also, we’re holding an FMS challenge through the month of August. Get screened and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a Rogue gift card.
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