Gymnastic Strength
3 Rounds:
3 Strict Curl Ups
8-10 Kipping T2B
5 KB Windmills / side
*Go from Curl-ups to T2B without coming off bar.
Death By:
Burpee Pull-ups
*Bar at least 6″ above standing reach
Pistol Progressions
2 Rounds:
10 Bird Dogs (5/side)
10 Side Plank With Rotation (5/side)
10 Shin Boxes (5/side)
10 Single Leg Squat (opposite foot stretched behind)
Counterbalance Pistol on Box
3×8 / side
*Stand on a 20-24″ box. Lower one foot off the side of the box, while the other foot stays on top and performs squat. Lift bottom foot as high as possible (similar to pistol), keeping heel down and knee outside toe on base foot. Use a 10-15# implement (DB, plate, KB) as your coutnerbalance.
A.7 Min Movement Flow
10 Rib Grab Breaths (5/side)
10 Lateral Openers
10 Windmills
10 Supine Rolls
10 Bent Knee Rocks
10 Cat Camels
10 Bird Dogs
B. 9 Min EMOM:
1. DB Bent Over Row
2. DB Floor Flyes
3. DB Overhead Tricep Extensions
C. 18 Min AMRAP:
Partner Relay
12/10 Cal Row
10 Jump Squats
5 Toes to Bar
October, November, and December are packed full of events at 4B. Here are some important dates to save:
- #NoBS Challenge – Cut sugar and booze out of your diet – All of October.
- lululemon Box Throwdown – Friday, 10/19, 6:30-9:30pm
- Freaky Friday Night Lights (at 4B East) – Friday, 10/26, 6:30pm
- 4B Internal Weightlifting Meet – Saturday, 11/3, 9am
- 4B Christmas Party – Saturday, 12/8, 7pm
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