Saturday WOD{7/26/14}

Main – CrossFit WOD

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(No Measure)

400 m run
coach led down and back drills


3 X max effort T2B. Rest as needed in between sets.


* Score for each metcon is slowest time of the 3 rounds

Metcon (Time)

3 rounds: 2:00 to complete- AFAP (as fast as possible- rest the rest of the 2 mins.)
5 burpees, 8 box jump overs
Rest 2:00 then..

Metcon (Time)

3 rounds, 2:00 to complete
10 air squats, 10 jumping lunges
Rest 2:00 then..

Metcon (Time)

3 rounds, 2:00 to complete
5 burpees, 8 box jump overs


Foam Roll Quads