4B Family, we are so happy to finally kick off our May Nutrition Challenge! We are very excited you chose to participate in the 800g Challenge and we can’t wait to be on this journey with you! We truly hope this challenge will help you see that healthy eating can be done without the obsession. We hope to provide you with added accountability, support, and education on why fruits and veggies matter.
Below you will find need-to-know information on all things concerning WEEK 1
Week 1 Fitness Challenge:
The first fitness challenge is going to be:
350 Sit ups
You will have the week to accumulate 350 sit ups outside of workouts done in class. Each weekly fitness challenge is designed to keep you focused on consistency in the gym outside of attending 15 classes. Reminder: Each gym’s location has a chalkboard similar to what we created for the New Year Challenge, so you will be responsible for keeping up with your own tallies. We’re trusting you to remain honest with us and yourself.
Week 1 Food Bonus Point:
The first food bonus point will be:
Orange Foods
You can get bonus points if you eat at least 50 grams of something orange. Remember, you must hit 800g to be eligible for the bonus point. Orange items include carrots, sweet potatoes, oranges, clementines, orange tomatoes, orange peppers, mango, cantaloupe… if it is orange, it counts! These bonus points will count May 6th through May 12th.
Additional Resources:
Here is a link to important documents you may need to refer to/print out during the challenge:
*For the Tracking Sheet – Circle each day’s points if you’ve met that day’s requirements. At the end of the week circle points for the weekly fitness challenge, then add up each week’s points at the end of each row. Full instructions can also be found on the sheet.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to coaches Gabby and Erica when you see them in the gym.
Good luck 4B family! We hope you’re as excited as we are to begin this journey towards healthier lifestyle changes together!
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