800g Challenge: Week 3
Congratulations on making it halfway through the 800g Challenge 4B Family! We are loving all the dedication and commitment you’ve made so far!
How have you guys been feeling? Have you been able to consistently hit those 800g? Keep checking in with yourself these following weeks so that you can finish out strong and build lasting habits for life!
Below you will find need-to-know information on all things concerning WEEK 3
Week 3 Fitness Challenge:
After working the grip with that 1 mile farmer’s carry last week, we are going to be building some boulder shoulders! Sun’s out, guns out anyone? Week 3 Challenge:
Accumulate 250 Push Ups
You will have the week to accumulate 250 push ups outside of your workouts done in class. These can be broken up however you would like throughout the week. Sure, you could do all 250 in a day, but we are pretty sure you wouldn’t be feeling too hot for the rest of your training week–so train smart! Trying to find a way to evenly distribute your reps throughout the week will still give you a challenge, but won’t be so high volume that you blow out your shoulders for the week. Each weekly fitness challenge is designed to keep you focused on staying active outside of your normal class times! Remember, we trust you to remain honest with yourselves, your coaches, and your fellow challengers, so be honest about your reps and make sure to keep a tally on the front chalkboard!
Week 3 Food Bonus Point:
Our next daily food bonus point will come from eating
White Potatoes, Corn, Beans, or Lentils
This new bonus point starts on Monday, May 20th and runs through next Sunday, May 26th. No need to eat all of them — one is plenty or mix and match to get to your 50 grams. Remember, you must hit 800g to be eligible for the bonus point. These items have taken a hit in the blogosphere, but they can be included in a healthy diet and are a definite “YES” in counting towards your 800 grams.
Additional Resources:
- Feeling stuck eating the same 6 fruits and veggies each day? Check out this blog post from OptimizeMe Nutrition on how to build more diversity and WHY it matters: Maximize Diversity
- Check out this blog post to learn more about why your body needs lots of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to help with energy. Although they have an indirect role in energy production within the body, they are still vital and necessary to make things function optimally. Learn more here: More Energy
Keep working hard on getting those 800g of fruits and veggies in every single day! Try to keep picking up the momentum here and not letting up. Focus on adding in some more diversity this week and maybe try a new fruit/veggie? The options are limitless!
If you have any questions, feel free to email coaches Erica and Gabby or grab them to chat the next time you’re in the gym.
Here’s to a strong second half of the 800g Challenge!