Week 4 Blog Post – 800g Challenge
4B Family, congratulations on completing nearly 3 full weeks of the Challenge! The end is in sight, we have just over one more week! You each have done a great job of trying to hit your 800g daily, adding in your bonus points, making sure you complete your fitness challenges, and staying connected as a community. Don’t stop now just because we’re closing on the end!
What noticeable differences have you felt throughout the challenge? What was one win you had last week? What’s one thing you’d like to focus on improving this next week? Check-in with yourself to see how you’re feeling as you head into week 4 to help you better prepare and finish strong!
Below you will find need-to-know information on all things concerning WEEK 4
Week 4 Fitness Challenge:
We hope you had fun focusing on building some solid boulder shoulders, but our next fitness challenge is going to be to:
Accumulate 2 Miles Running or Walking
You will have the week to accumulate your 2 miles either running or walking outside of your workouts done in class. You can choose to complete this challenge either at the gym or at home, but get outside, enjoy the beautiful weather, and complete your 2 miles! Each weekly fitness challenge is designed to keep you focused on staying active outside of your normal class times! Remember, we trust you to remain honest with yourselves, your coaches, and your fellow challengers, so be honest about your distance covered and make sure to keep a tally on the front chalkboard!
Week 4 Food Bonus Point:
Our next daily food bonus point will come from eating
Anything Purple
You can get the bonus point for week 4 if you eat at least 50 grams of something purple-colored. Don’t go by Google, trust your own eyes! If it’s purple, it counts! For example: Japanese yams, purple carrots, purple cauliflower, eggplant, black beans, red cabbage, red grapes, blackberries, etc. Names can be deceiving, just go based on what it looks like. Beets are red and blue! You can get 1 bonus point per day for every day you eat at least 50 grams of something purple. Remember, you must hit 800g to be eligible for the bonus point. These bonus points will count May 27th through June 2nd.
Additional Resources:
Did you find that some days you were easily eating over 1,000g while other days you were struggling to hit 800g? If so, then check out this article on the power of consistency. We talk about it all the time in the gym, but consistency is just as important in establishing good nutrition.
What’s been your biggest takeaway from the challenge? We’ve heard many of you say how much better you’ve felt prioritizing fruits and veggies, which is one of the biggest benefits of the 800g Challenge! Check out the following article to help you understand why you’ve felt better the past month.
Motivation is most likely high now that the end is in sight, but don’t let yourself slip up now that we’re so close. Start coming up with strategies that will help you carry on the challenge days, months, and years after it’s over. Keep building consistency into your daily routine and stay focused on WHY you wanted to do this challenge in the first place. Keep focusing on ADDING in healthier foods that you know will help you feel better versus subtracting foods that you know aren’t as nutritionally dense. Building a solid nutrition foundation is going to take longer than a month, but don’t give up. Keep taking it one meal, one day at a time and we know great things will happen.
Don’t forget to turn your 800g Tracking Sheet to the front desk on Monday, June 3rd and to make sure all fitness challenges are updated on the front chalkboard! Your coaches will be tallying points to help see who the overall winner is by the end of that week.
If you have any questions, feel free to email coaches Gabby and Erica or strike up a conversation when you see them in the gym.
Here’s to our final week, but more importantly, here’s to a lifetime of healthier eating!
Your 4B Family
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