East, Tuesday, 01/09/18


12 min to complete:
4 Rounds
4 – 6 Strict T2B + 4 – 6 Kipping T2B

3 x 1 Strict Muscle Up + 1-3 Ring Dips

w/ Partner

2000m Row (must switch every 500m)
Double Unders

While one partner is rowing the other is doing an AMRAP of DUs

*Score is Time on Row, and Total DUs


3 Rounds for Time
12 DB Weighted Box Step Overs (35,25#) (24″,20″)
18 GHD Sit Ups

10min EMOM:
Min1: 15 Plate GTOH into ME plate OH lunges
Min 2: Rest

*immediately into…

10min EMOM:
Min1: 10 Pull Up into ME wall balls
Min2: Rest

*immediately into…

10min EMOM:
Min1: 10 RKBS into ME sit-ups
Min2: Rest

Box News

Just a quick reminder our weekend hours are Saturday 8a-12p, and Sunday 1-3p.