East, Wednesday, 01/17/18

*Load Week*



Partner Relay

9 Minute AMRAP

15 Cal Row
10 BB Push Press 75/55

6 Minute AMRAP

10 Cal Row
5 Thrusters 75/55

3 Minute AMRAP
ME Burpee Over Rower

RX+ 95/65

*No rest between AMRAPs. 3 total scores, one for each AMRAP


Clean and Jerk Ladder:

Start at 75% of your 1RM and add 10-15# every 2 minutes (this is time to change plates and sit). Build until your first miss.


12 Min EMOM:

1. 14 SA DB OH Reverse Lunges
2. ME Handstand Hold

12 Min EMOM:

1. 14 DB Snatches
2. ME DB Weighted Step ups

Cash Out:

3 Min EMOM:
30 Sec Plank Hold
30 Sec Mountain Climbers


Box News

Bring A Friend Day this Thursday!! Please have all friends and family arrive 10-15 minute early if they have never worked out with us in order to sign a waiver, meet the coach, and get a tour!