New Albany, Wednesday, 02/07/18

Base Week*

Gymnastic Strength
12 min to complete:
3 rounds of:
Muscle Up Work:
2 – 3 x (1 MU + 2 Ring Dips)
T2B Complex
6 Hollow Body Swings
6 Knees to Chest
4-8 T2B

4 Rounds for Time:
20 Box Jump Overs
20 DB S2OH (50,35#)
12 T2B


A. Complete w/ Warmup
2 Rounds
10 Side Lying IR/ER
5 Supine Weighted Shoulder Flexion
6 T Push Ups

B. 7 min AMRAP
8 Strict Pull Ups
8 Strict Ring Dips
15 cal Assault Bike



A. 3 Rounds:
100 Alternating Plate Shuffles
80 Hops to Plate
60 Lateral Hops Over Plate
30 Plate GTOH
20 Burpee to Plate

-Rest 3 Min B/T Sets-

B. Tabata: Hanging knee raises


The Internal Throwdown is this Saturday, 2/10. There will be NO CLASSES that day, but come out and cheer on your fellow athletes. The action starts at 8:45 and should wrap up around noon. Save a cheat meal for Saturday. We’ll provide pizza, Zevia, and beer during the final and for a post Throwdown party. 

If you’re competing on Saturday, head over to the Throwdown Blog Post to get all the details.