East, Thursday, 07/12/2018

*Base Week – Transitioning out of Hypertrophy into a Max Strength phase over the next 8 weeks.

10 Minutes for Quality

1 Inch Worm w/5 Scap Push Up x 5
2 Rig to Wall Side Shuffles
10 Lateral Leg Swings per side
20 Alt. KB Deadbugs


8 Minutes for Quality x2
-rest 4 minutes between-

5 SA KB Push Press w/Pause per side
10 Banded Face Pulls
10 Suitcase KB DL per side
3 Bottom to Bottom Squat w/ Plate Press Out at Bottom
5 Toe to Bar Curl Up

During rest:
1 Minute Supine Nasal Breathing
1 Minute Couch Stretch Per Side
1 Minute for Athletes




30 Min AMRAP:

600m Row
50 Wall Balls
40 Mountain Climbers
20 V-Ups
100m Suitcase Carry


  • Specialty Class w/ Gabby this Thursday at 5:30pm. Handstands and Handstand Walking
  • Temporary schedule adjustment for this week – We will be closing Saturday the 14th at 11am after the 10am class is over, as well as be closed the entire day Sunday the 15th. We will be using this time to update the facility with some patch work on the walls, and a few coats of fresh paint. Google will be in Tuesday the 17th to do a video tour of the facility that will go up when people search for us on their site. We will be closed that day from 1 – 4:15pm for that videoing session. We apologize for any inconvenience this may create this week.