East, Wednesday, 07/25/2018

*Performance Week


15 Minutes to:

Build to heavy 5
2×5 @ 90%


For time

5 Air Squat EMOM

25 Box Jump Over 24, 20
25 Tuck Ups
25 Box Jump Over 24, 20
25 Tuck Ups
25 Box Jump Over 24, 20
25 Tuck Ups
25 Box Jump Over 24, 20

*12 Minute Cap

5 Air Squat EMOM

50 Box Jump Over
75 Tuck Up
50 Box Jump Over


3 Rounds NFT:
5 Hollow Body KB Lowering

6-7x Thru
3s HS Hold
3s Negative
Kip to top

*Week 7 of our 8 week handstand progression. Building volume this week. Testing next week.


8 Min EMOM:

1. 5 Chin Ups (3 sec neg) + ME Strict Push Ups
2. Rest
3. 5 Push Ups (3 sec neg) + ME Chin Ups
4. Rest


8 Min EMOM:
45 on;15 off

1. Pulse Squats
2. Hanging Knee Raises


8 Min EMOM:
45 on; 15 off

1. Plate GTOH
2. Alt. Plate Shuffles