East, Monday, 07/30/2018


*DELOAD WEEK – We’re building into a 5RM Back Squat test in 2 weeks, and then building to our second full testing week of the year 2 weeks after that. So our volume  / intensity progression will be as follows:

Back Squat
15 Minutes to:

Build to a moderate 3
2×2 @ 80-85%


For time:

30 Lateral Step Up 15L / 15R
60 DUs
30 Air Squat
60 DUs
30 Walking Lunge


*This is our last week for our current progressions. Competitor programming will get be moving onto a new cycle starting next week. 

3 Rounds:

5 Side Lying Windmills (per side)
20 Band Pull-Aparts
5 HK Bottom’s Up KB Press (per side)


Every 2min for 12min

2 Power Snatch
*Start moderate and build to a heavy double. Drop and reset each rep.


3 Min AMRAP x 5

9 RKBS (53,35)
6 Push Ups
3 V-Ups
-rest 1 minute between sets-

3 Rounds:

10 Air Squats
10 Lunges
10 Pulse Squats
10 Jump Squats
10 Jumping Lunges

-rest 1 minute between sets- 


  • Week Overview
    • Monday – Back Squat
    • Tuesday – Gymnastic Skill
    • Wednesday – Deadlift 
    • Saturday – Power Clean Elizabeth
  • August On-Ramp Starts next Monday August 6th @ 7pm. The first week is free!!