East, Tuesday, 07/31/2018


*DELOAD WEEK – We’re building into a 5RM Back Squat test in 2 weeks, and then building to our second full testing week of the year 2 weeks after that. So our volume  / intensity progression will be as follows:


3 Rounds:

30s Pull-up Negatives (5s ecc)
1min rest
30s HSPU Negatives (5s ecc)
1min rest


12 Minute Triple Partner Waterfall

1. 20/15 Cal Row
2. AMRAP of
5 Toe to Bar
8 Burpees
3. Rest

*score is AMRAP – Rounds and Reps


10min Alt EMOM:

Odd: TGU (R)
Even: TGU (L)
*Build to a heavy single on both sides


Kipping HSPUs – 4 sets

Sets 1 & 2: 3-5 reps (2s hold at top)
Set 3: 5-7 (no pause)
Set 4: ME Attempt (test out)

*This completes our 8 week TGU & HSPU progressions. Skip or go easy on the HSPU work in class today if you plan to test out on these two movements.


4 Rounds:

100m Sprint
50 Double Unders
-rest 1 minute between sets-


12 Min AMRAP:

12 Sit Ups
100m Run
8 DB Burpee Box Step Over (24,20)


  • August On-Ramp Starts next Monday August 6th @ 7pm. The first week is free!!