East, Friday, 08/03/2018


*DELOAD WEEK – We’re building into a 5RM Back Squat test in 2 weeks, and then building to our second full testing week of the year 2 weeks after that. So our volume  / intensity progression will be as follows:


Partner Relay
For time:

4 x 200m Run
75 Wall Balls
4 x 400m Run
75 Wall Balls
4 x 200m Run

Split Wall Balls however they would like


3 Rounds:

20s Table Top Hold
5 Low Ring Transitions
*Toes on ground. Mimick the motion of a strict muscle up. Jump into ring support. Then 3sec negative on ring dip.


Every 2min for 8min

1-3 Strict Muscle-ups
*Sub 5 false grip ring pull-ups & 5 ring dips if muscle-ups aren’t ready.


12 Min AMRAP:

50m Fwd Sled Drag (90,70)
50m Bwd Sled Drag
50m Fwd Sprint
50m Bwd Sprint
50m Side Shuffle (L)
50m Side Shuffle (R)


12 Min EMOM:

1. Battle Ropes
2. Speed Skaters
3. Ring Rows
4. Cal Bike


  • August On-Ramp Starts next Monday August 6th @ 7pm. The first week is free!!