East, Tuesday, 11/06/2018
*Load Week – We’re moving from a hypertrophy phase (higher rep, longer time under tension, focused on building muscle size), into a max strength phase (lower rep, heavier load, focused on recruiting and optimizing the new muscle we built during hypertrophy) for the next 8 weeks.
20 Minute EMOM
1. Banded Strict Pull Ups
2. KB FR Alt Lunge
3. Battle Rope Hip Toss
4. Assault Bike
5. Rest
*Banded strict pull ups should be sets of 5 – 8 not reaching failure
**KB FR Alt Lunge :25 FR L, :25 FR R
Pull-up Progressions
2 Rounds of:
30s Foam Roll Lats
30s Kneeling Lat Opener on Box
10 Overhand Banded Lat Pull-downs
10 Underhand Banded Lat Pull-downs
4 Rounds of:
Strict Pull-ups – ME minus 2
*Complete 5 HK Bottoms Up KB Press / side between each set of pull-up
5 Mins; 10 of each
Child’s Pose
Mtn Climber to Hip Rocker
Down Dog alt toe touch
8 Min Ascending Ladder
2 DB Tricep Extension
2 DB Bent Over Rows
2 Bicep Curls/Arm
2 Min AMRAP x 4 sets:
3 Burpee Pull Ups
4 Jumping lunges/side
5 DB Thrusters (25,20)
-Rest 1 Min B/T sets-
Finisher: 3 rounds: ME Wall Sit hold (15,10)