How Four Barrel Changed My Life

I walked into Four Barrel Crossfit excited and nervous. (Being a personal trainer)… The whole role reversal of being the client and having trainers/coaches looking at me and telling me what to do was a strange new feeling. I was ready though. I knew if I was going to walk through that garage door that I was going to commit, learn and grow as a person, wife, mom, trainer and athlete. What I hadn’t expected was to gain so much more than just strength and fitness knowledge. 

I gained a second family, a totally new me, confidence, happiness and found so much more passion and drive in my professional and personal life. To be apart of a community of “like minded” individuals that truly care and that celebrates every victory big or small with you. The Crossfit community at Four Barrel is strong and beautiful. I love these people.

I’ve seen myself transform. When I started last March I was 112 pounds and had a 10 month old and a 3 year old. I was barely making time for myself to get a run in or a short circuit training session. My first Crossfit workout was tough! I felt so out of shape but I was instantly hooked. I told Case I’d see him Tuesday and that was that. I remember feeling so vulnerable and unsure of myself. The barbell freaked me out, I’d never really used one for Olympic lifting. What was I getting myself into?! I’m a personal trainer yet this was so foreign to me.  

In August I decided to do (Four Barrel’s) Paleo Challenge. I needed to clean up my diet and get more serious about how my family and I were eating. I wanted to eat to perform, and perform I would. I reached a lot of milestones that month and continued to surprise myself. I was making progress and I was getting stronger and leaner. I had abs again! That is a huge deal when you’ve had two babies! I ended up losing 2.53% bodyfat and I weighed 103 pounds by the end of the paleo challenge. At 14.5% body fat I felt amazing and I was 100% sold on the Paleo lifestyle. 

It was shortly after the challenge ended that I started coming 4-5 days a week. I was accomplishing so much more then I thought possible. I got my kipping pullup, HSPU, I could string some double unders, I was starting to like the barbell and I was seeing myself improve each week. I love pushing myself and love seeing what my body can do. I just freaking love Crossfit! 

Now about my coaches…. They absolutely rock. They believe in me. Wow, do they ever. I am blessed and spoiled at Four Barrel Crossfit. Some of the best trainers/coaches I’ve ever been around. They have brought out the best in me and helped me grow in every area of my life. The knowledge they’ve passed on to me and their willingness to help me become a better athlete is truly appreciated. I love my coaches! Thanks to them for the support and inspiration. I can not express how grateful I am. 🙂

There are so many highlights from my first year of Crossfit. Here are some I never will forget:
-Day 1: Intro class EMOM, 5 front squats 5 burpees for 15 minutes, but Case would only let me suffer for 10 minutes. 😉
-Day 2: Elements with Case and not being able to jump on a 20 inch box. Information overload with the barbell. People watching me and cheering for me scared the pee out of me.
-My running improved and I was getting faster. 
-I learned to kick up on the wall and the first time I was so scared. Rachel probably looks back at that moment and laughs. 🙂 I was a mess.
-My first benchmark was Helen and as of today she is my favorite of “the girls”. My current Helen time is 12:23 done on March 9th. I can’t remember what my time was the first time doing her. But if I had to guess it was probably around 15 minutes with a 20# kb and green/blue band. 
-Losing 10 pounds and gaining muscle. I may be small but I’m strong! 
– Paleo Challenge = life changing! 
– Getting my kipping pullup! I practiced on my kids play gym. I was determined! 5 months into CF.
– I will never forget Renee’s 30th birthday WOD. She tried to kill me. I still throw up a little when I think about that day. 
-Wodify….. I love Wodify!
– Getting my kipping hspu. Thanks Damon! 
– Being inspired watching Kentuckianas Fittest and wondering if I would EVER be good enough or gutsy enough to compete. 
– Ran the republic bank quarter marathon in 60 minutes! 
-Rx’ing WODs is really fun and makes me feel awesome. Beginning in November I started to see that more and more.
-I set some goals for 2014 and already hit several of those. 100# clean, 14# wall ball, chest to bar. Lots of PRs on my deadlift, clean and jerk, back squat and front squat. 
– 3 week competition in the travel WOD series. Competing wasn’t on my goal sheet for 2014 but it was one of the best decisions (last minute at that) ever! I pushed myself and learned a lot. My coaches were patient and put up with me during this crazy time. I can’t wait to compete in the future. 
– 99 burpees in 7 minutes. Kinda proud of that. 
– I signed up for the open. Woot!
– Sunday Fun Days at the gym. Probably my favorite day of the week to be there. 
– The friendships I’ve formed with the “Four Barrelers”. The Crossfit bond I’ve formed with so many of them is a blessing all in its own.

I was thirsty. I drank the Crossfit kool aid! It started out as a 3 day a week visit and quickly grew into 4-6 days a week. My second home. My kids love it. My husband joined for 3 months in his off season leading into triathlon/Ironman training. We are a Crossfit family. 🙂 

I would say that Crossfit is my addiction but a better way to put it is committed. I am committed to this sport of fitness and committed to improve myself… Me vs Me. I am looking forward to another amazing year of Crossfit. This past year has been fantastic and life altering. My only regret is not starting this journey sooner. 

Karlie Groan
March 2014