Competition {10/22/14}

Every 2min for 8min:
3 High Hang Snatches

Every 2min for 6min:
2 High Hang Snatches

*Focus on vertical jump, pulling, then pressing the body under the bar

Back Rack Walking Lunges
5×10 (5/leg)
*start moderate and build into a heavy set of 10.

3 Rounds NFT:
8 One Arm DB Row (per arm)
8 GHRs (3010)
ME Ring Dips
*5lbs heavier than last week’s row. Rest as needed

For time:
50 DUs
50 T2B
50 Wall Balls (20, 14)
50 Deadlifts (135, 95)
50 Box Jumps (24, 20)
*15min cap