Competition {02/06/15}
A.10min EMOM:Snatch + Hang Snatch*Make 5-10lb jumps to build into a heavy complex B.Every 2min for 10min:3 OHS*Build into a heavy set of…
A.10min EMOM:Snatch + Hang Snatch*Make 5-10lb jumps to build into a heavy complex B.Every 2min for 10min:3 OHS*Build into a heavy set of…
A.20min Row-or-20min Run*Rest & recovery pace B.20min Mobility + Stability-finish with-4min of 90/90 breathing
Louisville, New Albany – LeanX View Public Whiteboard Warm-up (No Measure) 4 rounds: 15 sec Jumping Jacks 15 sec air squats 15 sec…
Louisville, New Albany – CrossFit WOD PRACTICE DAY View Public Whiteboard Warm-up (No Measure) Dodgeball Skill Handstand Holds/Handstand Walking Metcon Metcon (Time) Partner…
The original intent of this post was to give a few tips for people finishing up a 30 day challenge at our gym…