East, Sunday, 11/18/2018
CROSSFIT *Performance Week Metcon Teams of 3: For time: 120 Rope Slams 60 Cal Bike 120 Double KB Deadlifts (53, 35) 60 Cal…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week Metcon Teams of 3: For time: 120 Rope Slams 60 Cal Bike 120 Double KB Deadlifts (53, 35) 60 Cal…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week Metcon For time: 10 Rounds 3 Clean and Jerk 135, 95 5 Box Jump 10 Wall Balls COMPETITOR / STRENGTH…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week Strength 18 Minutes to Complete: Sumo Deadlift 5 x 5 *across @ 70-80% of 1RM Metcon 5 Rounds 1 Minute…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week Bring a Friend Day! Metcon 2 Rounds :30 Right Hand OH DB/KB Walk :30 Left Hand OH DB/KB Walk 1:00…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week Row Intervals Partner Row Relay 4 x 750 4 x 500 P1 – 1 & 3 P2 – 2 &…