A. Correctives
Banded Wall Walks
20/side (alt)
Down Dog Calf Stretch
20/side (alt)
B. Gymnastics + Warmup
3 Rounds of:
30 ft HS Walk
15 GHD Med Ball Sit-ups (20, 14)
15 Lateral Line Hops (R)
15 Lateral Line Hops (L)
*Lateral line hops = one leg side to side over a 4-6″ line.
C. Strength
Back Squat
5 @ 65%
5 @ 75%
5+ @ 85%
*5+ = Complete as many reps as possible at 85%.
D. Bulgarian Split Squat
-ss w-
One Leg RDL
E. Partner WOD
22min AMRAP:
50 Wall Balls (20, 14)
50 Burpees
50 Box Jump Overs (24, 20)
50 RKBS (70, 53)
*1 partner working at a time. Reps must be in order but can be split however the team chooses
Sarah Schulz King says
Did A & B with shoulder taps subbed for walking
C worked up to 170×5- actually did 85%-yay!
D with 18# KBs for BSS and 1 KB for RDL
E with Karlie 2+132!
Karlie says
A done
B max walks 30 plus ea unbroken
C 105, 115, 130#
E. W Sarah 2+132