Competition {8/27/14}

3 @ .65
2 @ .75
2 @ .80
1 @ .85
1 @ .90
1 @ .95
1 @ 100-105%
1 @ 100-105%

*Pull from rack. Avoid arching the back when working up to the heavier sets. 

Every 2min for 16min:
Halting Clean Deadlift + Clean
*Build into a heavy complex over the course of 8 sets. Start moderate and only jump 5-10lbs per set. 

12min to work into a 1RM weighted pull-up.
*Overhand grip. No kipping

Sit-up Tabata:
*Feet hooked under heavy dumbbells, arms across the chest. Shoulders should touch ground in bottom and torso should come past vertical at the top. Score is the lowest # completed in any round. 

10 Rounds:
6 C2B Pull-ups
6 Box Jumps
20 DUs
*1min rest after each round

This is a skill-focused metcon. We’ll be drilling C2B a lot between now and The Open. If you’re able to do at least a few butterfly C2B stick with them throughout. For box jumps, shoot for the quick rebound method – i.e. gathering yourself on top of the box and spending as little time possible on the ground. Lastly, DUs need to be automatic and essentially an opportuntiy to catch your breath.