East, Friday, 01/12/18

*base week*


Every :90 for 5 sets
4 Power Snatch

*Score is weight used Across*


For time:

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
OHS (95, 65)

5 Pull Ups after each set of OHS

RX+ 115, 75 Chest to Bar


10 min for quality:

Wall Facing HS Hold x 20 sec
3 Skin the cats
20 Prone PVC Press on GHD


8 Min AMRAP for Quality:

3 Pull ups with 3 Sec Negative
3 Strict T2B
3 Wall Walks with 3 Sec Hold at top


10 Min Ascending Ladder:

2 Wall Balls
2 KB Deadlifts
2 Goblet Step Ups
*Reps increase by 2 every round

Cash Out

For time:
100 Flutter Kicks
100 Penguin Crunch
100 Flutter Kicks

Box News

Know anyone that is interested in starting Crossfit, or even LeanX? For the month of January we are offering our 4 1:1 On-Ramp sessions discounted from $200 down to $150. That also includes the remainder of their first month of unlimited classes upon completion of their on-Ramp.