East, Saturday, 05/19/2018


*Base Week – We are now in month 2 of our 3 month cycle. This week will we start Back Squats, Barbell Bench Press, and keep the RDL (just without tempos). We will be doing these movements for the next 8 weeks in various reps and sets, so focus this first week is getting perfect form, not how much weight can I put on the bar – you have 7 more weeks for that 😉 


Partner “Triple 3”
For time:

3,000m Row
300 DUs
3mile Run

*One partner working at a time. Split work as needed but must do movements in order


3 Rounds:

10 SL RDL (per side)
10 Weighted Hip Thrusts
50 D-Ball Marches
*Across on RDL and hip thrusts


30 Min EMOM:

1. Battle Ropes
2. Alt. Med Ball Slams
3. V-ups
4. Mountain Climbers
5. 200m Run
6. Rest