East, Saturday, 07/07/2018

*Old School Week – Deload

First CrissFit.com WOD ever posted 

For time:
Fast & Heavy
Dumbell “Thruster” 21 reps
Run 1/4 mile (400m)
Dumbell “Thruster” 18 reps
Run 1/4 mile (400 m)
Dumbell “Thruster” 15 reps
Run 1/4 mile (400 m)

*We’ll be using barbells thrusters at (100, 70) to accommodate for equipment


20min – Low impact, low intensity conditioning (Row, bike, run, hike, etc) – Nasal breathing (in nose, out nose) only.  


Partner running “Angie”
For Time:
100 Pull-ups
400m Run
100 Push-ups
400m Run
100 Sit-ups
400m Run
100 Squats
400m Run