East, Saturday, 08/11/2018


*BASE WEEK – We’re building into a 5RM Back Squat test next week, and then building to our second full testing week of the year August 27th – September 2nd. So our volume  / intensity progression will be as follows:

Benchmark – DT
5 Rounds of

12 Deadlift
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk

Scaled: 95, 65
RX 135, 95
RX+ 155, 105


30-60min Road Bike
*Sub 25min Air Bike if you don’t have access to a road bike.


90 Secs on; 30 sec rest X 4

100m Sprint
ME Walking Lunges in remaining time


90 Sec on; 30 sec rest X 4

10 Cal Row
ME Wall Balls in remaining time


Cash Out:
For Time:

15 Tire Flips
30 Tire Jump
15 Tire Flips