*Load Week – We’re moving from a hypertrophy phase (higher rep, longer time under tension, focused on building muscle size), into a max strength phase (lower rep, heavier load, focused on recruiting and optimizing the new muscle we built during hypertrophy) for the next 8 weeks.
Veterans Day WOD
11min AMRAP of:
11 Power Cleans 135/95
11 Burpees over Bar
19 Deadlifts
18 Pull-ups
Aerobic Conditioning
For completion:
3,000m Row
5 mile Air Bike
2 mile run
*Complete in order / back to back with no rest, but keep a HR of 140 or lower.
A. 5 Mins; 5 reps each
Crocodile Breaths
Alt Swimmers
90/90 Hip transitions
B. For Time:
BUY-IN: 400m Run
100 Alt. V-Ups
90 DUs (or 180 singles)
80 Walking Lunges
70 KB Deadlifts (53,35)
60 Burpees to Plate
50 Plate GTOH (25, 15)
40 T2B
30 RKBS (53, 35)
20 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Pull Ups
CASH-OUT: 400m Run
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