East, Thursday, 02/08/2018

Base Week*

3 Rounds of:

10 Minute AMRAP

5 Rig to Wall Down and Backs
10 KB Suitcase DL per side
15 Ring Rows
20 Band Step Overs

-2 Minute Rest-

***5:30pm Crossfit Class is Specialty w/Coaches Gabby and Zack***


Mobility / Rejuvenation


A. 12 Min AMRAP
12 Cal Row
12 DB Power Cleans

Right into…

12 Min AMRAP:
12 DB Box Step Ups
30 Sec Wall Sit hold

B. Cash Out:
4 Rounds:
25 KB Side Crunches/Side
50 Bodyweight Russian Twists



The Internal Throwdown is this Saturday, 2/10. There will be NO CLASSES that day, but come out and cheer on your fellow athletes. The action starts at 8:45 and should wrap up around noon. Save a cheat meal for Saturday. We’ll provide pizza, Zevia, and beer during the final and for a post Throwdown party. 

If you’re competing on Saturday, head over to the Throwdown Blog Post to get all the details.