East, Tuesday, 06/19/2018

*Load Week


12min to complete, 4 Rounds:
Strict Pull-ups (ME -2)
Strict Ring Dips (ME -2)

*ME – 2 = Max Effort, minus 2 reps. Must be able to do 5-7 reps UB for whatever scaling method you choose.


4 Rounds

1000m Row
50 Tuck Ups

*while 1 person rows the other is pinch gripping plates in each hand – M 25s, W 15s


4 Rounds NFT:

5 Supine Plate Lowering
10 Plank w/ Reach
35-40s Handstand Hold

*WEEK 2 of our HANDSTAND PROGRESSIONS. Pull belly button to your nose and use a rig post as your target for plank with reach.


3 Rounds For Time:

75 Single Unders
50 KB Plank Taps
25 RKBS 

Rest 3 Minutes

2 Rounds For Time:

50 KB Toe Taps
25 SA KB Press/Side 

Rest 2 Minutes

1 Round For Time:

25 DB Burpee Power Cleans 


  • Bring a Friend Day – Thursday 21st
  • Sam’s Going Away Party Friday 22nd – NO 5:30 pm Class! We will provide the Meat and Drinks – please bring a side dish or snacks