East, Tuesday, 07/24/2018

*Performance Week

Core Strength
3 Rounds: 

:45 L Side Plank – :15 rest
:45 R Side Plank – :15 rest
:30 Forearm Plank w/Reach – :30 rest 


20 Minute EMOM
:40 / :20

1. Assault Bike
2. Ring Push Ups
3. Double KB Farmers Hold
4. Med Ball Russian Twists
5. Rest


3x Thru:
4 TGUs (2/side)
30s DB Hammer Curls
30s JM Press
30s Face Pulls

*WEEK 7 of our 8 week TGU progressions. Move up in load vs last week. Pick a light weight/resistance that will allow you to move nonstop for 30s on curls, press downs, and row


1 Round every 5 Min x 3

200m Sprint
30 Goblet Squats
15 Burpees


1 Round every 5 Min x 3

200m Sprint
30 Goblet Squats
15 Burpees