*PR Week! (Test week #2 of 2018) – Get to bed early, eat your meat and veggies, and be ready to perform during all class times this week! Overall volume will be slightly lower than a normal week in efforts to perform at maximum intensity during tests. Try to stick to just CrossFit this week if you plan on doing all of PR Week and not adding in an evening LeanX class.
8-10min to establish a max effort set of:
HSPU -or- ME Push-ups (plate + abmat)
ME Pull-ups (strict)
2min AMRAP:
*2min ME singles if you don’t have DUs
For time:
2000m Row
*No extra competitor work this week. Competitors should put all their effort an intensity into preparing for and executing tests.
10 Min Movement Flow
10 Scorpions
10 Prone T’s and Y’s
10 Shoulder Taps
10 Lateral Openers
10 Chalk Angels
10 Plank with Reach
10 Toe Taps (in downdog position)
6 T Push Ups
8 Mins to Complete 4 Sets:
10 Bicep curl to shoulder press
10 Tricep Kickbacks/Arm
10 Calf Raises
100m Run
16 Min Partner Relay
250m Row
5 Renegade Rows over Rower (35, 25)
- Labor Day Schedule – Hero WOD at 830am *4B members only
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