East, Tuesday, 12/11/2018


*Performance Week 

Skill Work 

12 Minutes of Rope Climb Skill


15 Minute EMOM

1. Rope Climb
*up downs for scale
2. Alt DB Snatch 50, 35
3. Tuck Up
4. Assault Bike
5. Rest

Start Seated Rope Climb
53, 35 KB Snatch
V Up
**score is total reps


Gymnastics Strength
Handstand Walking

Wrist Prep
2 Rounds
15 Wrist Up Downs (Each Side)
8 Plank Shifts

HS Skill work
5 Rounds
15-30 sec Handstand Floater

*Goal is to find balance in your hands, if you fall off try again; after a few attempts take a break. (See Video)


2 Rounds:

2 Rig to Wall Down and Backs
10 Supine Roll
10 Straight leg raises
10 Chalk Angels
10 Single Leg Glute Bridges


Tabata Squat Hold
-Rest 1 Min-
Tabata Shoulder Taps


10 Rounds for Time:

1 DB Renegade Row/Side (35, 25)
2 Double DB Deadlifts
3 DB Power Cleans
4 DB Front Squats
5 DB Push Press