East, Wednesday, 08/08/2018


*BASE WEEK – We’re building into a 5RM Back Squat test next week, and then building to our second full testing week of the year August 27th – September 2nd. So our volume  / intensity progression will be as follows:

For time:

100m Run
200m Run
400m Run
800m Run
1 Mile Run
*100m Walk between each run
**35 Minute Cap


3 Rounds:

10 Single Leg RDL w/ Band Row
2x15s Hip Flexion Holds / side
10 Single Leg Goblet Squat (R)
10 Single Leg Goblet Squat (L)
*Squat to a bench or box. Complete w/out shoes to help build balance and foot strength. Rest as needed between rounds.


Alt Tabata:
4 Rounds

20s Hollow Rocks
10s Rest
20s Arch Hold
10s Rest


30 Min AMRAP:

Buy In: 1 Mile Run
-Then AMRAP of-
50 Sit Ups
40 Push Ups
20 Pull Ups