*Deload Week – Next week is PR week (our second testing week of the year)! Manage your load and intensity so that you can be fresh and ready to perform at your best next week.
Sumo Deadlifts
*3s ECC. Building to no more than 50% of last week’s heavy 3
14 Minute AMRAP
10 Alt DB Snatch 50, 35
20 Air Squat
30 Sit Ups
200m Suitcase Carry
Pistol Strength / Progressions
2 Rounds:
10 90/90 Hip Transitions
10 Side-Lying Clamshells
10 Foot Banded Single Leg Goblet Squats / leg
5 High Box Lowering / leg
*Single Leg Squat to a bench. Complete all 10 left leg, and then all 10 right. For high box lowering start with both feet on top of box, keep a tall chest w/ knee wider than toe, slide one toe down the back of the box in a slow and controlled fashion until your as deep as you can be while still coming out of the bottom with perfect positions.
10 Min Movement Flow
10 Knee Hug Rocks
10 Knee Hug Lateral Rocks
10 Strict SL Sit ups
10 Elbow to knee crunch
10 SL Raises
10 Hip Circles
5 Inchworms
8 Min Partner EMOM:
18 Partner Wall Balls (20,14)
ME Med Ball Sit ups to Partner
8 Min AMRAP:
20 KB Front Rack Marches (53, 35)
100m Farmers Carry
Finisher: 3 Min to accumulate ME wall sit with plate (15, 10)
- Saturday Morning Lights – Saturday the 26th
- No LeanX at 9am, and no Open Gym from 9 – 10:30
- Park WODS start back up on Sunday the 27th
- We will be kicking off the workout at 3pm in the field at E.P. Tom Sawyer. If you are bringing someone who has never worked out with us before please make sure they arrive before 2:45 so we can have them fill out a waiver.
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