Strict Press
15 Minutes to complete:
3 x 5 –
1 x 11
1 x 9
1 x 7
*all sets are building – even the tempo warm up sets
12 Minute AMRAP
200m Run
1 Wall Walk
10 Goblet Squat 53, 35
10 Tuck Ups
Pistol Progressions + Single Leg Accessory
3 Rounds:
Min 1: 10 90 / 90 Hip Transitions
Min 2: 20 Monster Walks (10 L + 10 R)
Min 3: 10 SA KB Front Squat (5 L + 5 R)
Single Leg Strength Test
ME Single Leg Goblet Squat (knee height, 35, 25)
*Use this test to establish a baseline for single leg strength. Use a small box + plates to set a height that’s exactly at the bottom of your knee cap. Complete as many reps as possible on your right leg without touching the left foot to the ground. If the opposite foot touches terminate the set. If foot touches early in set. Rest 2 minutes, then repeat. If late in the set. Call it good. Rest 2min then complete on the opposite foot. Adjust box height and weight accordingly to keep heel down and knee tracking outside toe. If not able to complete at least 10 reps per leg. Drop weight and/or raise height of box and complete again.
10 Min Movement Flow
10 Deadbugs (same side)/Side
10 Chalk Angels
10 Lateral openers
10 Windmills
10 Alt. Swimmers
10 Quadruped Hip Circles
10 Mountain Climbers with Reach
Alt. Tabata:
1. Hollow Body Hang
2. Ring Rows
5 Rounds:
3 Min AMRAP:
DB Thrusters (25,15)
Jumping Pull ups
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