New Albany, Monday, 01/22/18

*Performance Week*

Gymnastic Skill / Capacity
EMOM x 8
UB Handstand Push Ups
*Score is lowest # of reps in any round

Partner WOD
EMOM x 18
ME cal Row
*switch partners every min


*Do these with your warmup*
2 Rounds
30 sec Bretzle (Each Side)
10 Side lying IR/ER (Each Side)
5 Tempo SA KB Press (x550)

Clean & Jerk Accessory Work
A. Clean Pulls
5 x 2 @ 90%

B. Press in Split
5 x 5
*Across, mod heavy, attempt to go 5-10lbs heavier than the last time we completed these. 

A. 21-15-9
*8min cap

B. 21-15-9
Burpees over Bar/DB
Front Rack Lunges/Side
*Sub in KB goblet lunges for FR lunges if need be.   
*42, 30, and 18 Total lunges
*15 Min Time Cap

C. Cash Out:
100 Partner Plank Hand Claps for time

Get signed up for the 2018 Internal Throwdown. It’s gonna be a blast! We’ll be putting out an extra registration sheet for anyone who needs a partner. Registration is $10 per team this year to help provide prizes and post Throwdown food and party supplies. Please bring in cash and drop it in the box in the lobby – We’ll have envelopes for you to put your name on.

Registration for the CrossFit Open is now live! Reminder –  We’ll be officially hosting the Open this year on Saturday mornings starting at 9am. It will be similar to a Throwdown atmosphere. We’ll sign-up in heats on the board on a first come first serve basis and everyone who participates will be asked to judge at least one heat. You don’t have to be signed up for the Open to come to these Saturday sessions, and you only need to be judged if you’re officially inputing your scores online.