New Albany, Sunday, 12/23/18
*Deload Week

4 Rounds
5 SA Ring Row w/ rotation (Each Side)
1 Down & Back Sandbag Carry
2 rounds
3 min AMRAP
300 m row
20 alt V ups
10 Barbell Thrusters (45, 35#)
1 min rest
2 Ruonds
3 min AMRAP
20/15 cal bike
15 Tuck Ups
10 SA RKBS (53, 35#)
1 min rest
New Year Challenge
We’re bringing back our most successful Nutrition Challenge for a second year! The 4B New Year Challenge will run from January 1st through the 31st and will focus on balancing nutrition, training, and lifestyle.
Registration opens up Monday, December 17th and closes Thursday, January 3rd. Sign-up sheets will be in the lobby.
Head over to our New Year Challenge web page to get all the details!