New Albany, Tuesday, 03/27/18
*Deload Week
Reminder in case you missed yesterday’s post: With the end of the CrossFit Open, we officially kick off our new 2018 programming year on Monday. For the next 2 weeks we’ll be using strength circuits with unilateral movements (on side at a time), coupled with core + activation movements. The goal is to put the muscle under tension for a long period of time, focus on moving slow, and learning/enforcing proper positions. Metcons will be longer on average with a focus on non-stop movement to help build an aerobic base. We’ll also be mixing things up a little just to have fun! Week 3 will be a testing week. This will be something we’ll do 1-2 more times over the year, with the goal being to get a good assessment of our baseline, and then retesting as we build through cycles. This should be a fun week, and we’re really excited to try this new format. After testing week, we’ll kick off a 12 week hypertrophy cycle in order build muscle size and a strong base.
Core / Gymnastic Strength
Tabata, alt:
A: Bent Knee Rocks
B: Arch Hold
*One total tabata (4min). A,B,A,B format.
8 Rounds for time of:
200m Run
15 Sit-ups
10 RKBS (53, 35)
5 Pull-ups
*20min cap
*Our main focus for Competition over the next 3-4 months will be to reset movement, shore up weaknesses, and to get swole with extra strength and accessory work. Even if competition is not your goal. If you’re looking to get in some extra strength work, this will be a great opportunity. We’ll use tempo and high to keep the muscles under tension for a long period for most sets (this ads size). We’ll be sprinkling in some gymnastics progressions as well as additional metcons to help improve your aerobic base as well.
3 Rounds, rest as needed between movements:
30s Handstand Hold
30s Supinated Grip Hang
30s Ring Support Holds
30s Table Tops
*Toes together. Reach! Squeeze from your toes down to your hands on HS holds. Relax and let spine lengthen on supinated (underhand) grip hangs from rig. Shoulders out of ears. Palms corkscrewed out on support holds.
A. For Time:
100 Sit ups
90 Double Unders
800m Run
70 Lateral Plate Hops
60 Plate Russian Twists
50 Alternating Plate Shuffles
400m Run
30 Back Extensions
20 Plate Push Press
100m Run
- Register for KF18 Novice before Wednesday, 3/28 to still receive a competition t-shirt!
- The gym will be closed on Easter Sunday (4/1). Get outside and enjoy time with friends and family!