New Albany, Tuesday, 05/01/18


*Performance week – Volume, pace, and intensity will be at it’s highest this week, before deloading next week. 

Core Strength
6min EMOM:
Odd: 25s Straight Leg Rocks
Even: 15s Ring Support (Top) + 15s Ring Support (Bottom)

All for time:
40-30-20-10 of:
Wall Balls (20/10, 14/9)
*75 DUs + 400m run after each round




10min Alt EMOM:
Odd: 8 Pause Pistols (alt, 4/side)
Even: 3 Skin-the-Cats

*This is our last week for skin the cats. Slow your tempo and increase range of motion to make each rep more difficult compared to last week.
*3 sec pause in the bottom on pistol squats. Use a post for support to help learn bottom position.



A. General ROM
10 Strict Sit ups
10 Blackburns
10 Shoulder taps w/ 3 sec pause

B. For Time:
10 T2B
15 Man Makers
20 Sit Ups
30 Push Ups
20 Sit Ups
15 Manmakers
10 T2B

C. 4 Sets NFT:
15 Banded Kickbacks
15 Banded Lateral Kicks
15 Banded Frog Pumps