New Albany, Wednesday, 04/04/18


*Deload / Reset Week

15min to complete,
3 Rounds:
12 Supine Ring Row
12 Tempo Bench
75s Elbow Bridge
*Across. 3s neg, 2s iso on RR & Bench

4 Rounds:
40s DUs
20s Rest
40s Target Burpees
20s Rest
*Two scores – Lowest # of DUs, and lowest # of burpees in any round. Burpees to a 6″ target



Incline DB Bench
3×10, across, light

3 Rounds of:
30s Banded Tricep Press Down
10 Bicep Curls (EZ Bar)
25 Behind Back Wrist Curls

*Same volume as last week. Still acclimating to these lifts as well as prepping for testing next week.



A. 6 Mins to Complete 4 Sets:
12 Bench Dips
12 Tuck Ups

B. 4 Rounds; Each for time
400m Run
30 Double Unders
20 DB Snatch
10 T2B

-Rest 2 Min B/T Sets –

*Record slowest round



  • Testing Week for CrossFit starts next Monday, April 9th. We’ll be completing 5RMs, gymnastics benchmarks, conditioning tests, and benchmark WODs. All testing, all week. Get to class, test yourself, and establish baselines for the upcoming cycle and year. *Thursday will be a makeup day for any tests missed Mon-Wed. On Sunday we’ll have a regular WOD programmed, but will encourage make-ups of any tests missed throughout the week. 
  • GET READY FOR SUMMER! Our next Nutrition Challenge kicks off Monday, May 7th. Stay posted for full details coming out over the next few weeks.