*Deload / Reset Week
Gymnastic Skill
4 Rounds:
10sec Hollow Body Hang
5 Core Swings
5 Kip Swings
3 Pull-ups
All for time:
12 Rounds of,
A: 400m Row
B: Suitcase Hold (switch hands as desired)
*On each row transition, each partner must complete:
(Relay Style)
4 Pull-ups
5 Push-ups
6 Deadlifts (135, 95)
*12 total transitions, so each partner is on the rower 6 times. 35min cap
3 Rounds, rest as needed between movements:
35s Handstand Hold
35s Supinated Grip Hang
35s Ring Support Holds
35s Table Top (Reps)
*Continuing our progression from last week. Toes together. Reach! Squeeze from your toes down to your hands on HS holds. Relax and let spine lengthen on supinated (underhand) grip hangs from rig. Shoulders out of ears. Palms corkscrewed out on support holds.
A. 20 Min AMRAP
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Goblet Cossack Squats
20 Goblet Squats
B. Tabata: Hollow Body Rocks
- Testing Week for CrossFit starts next Monday, April 9th. We’ll be completing 5RMs, gymnastics benchmarks, conditioning tests, and benchmark WODs. All testing, all week. Get to class, test yourself, and establish baselines for the upcoming cycle and year. *Thursday will be a makeup day for any tests missed Mon-Wed. On Sunday we’ll have a regular WOD programmed, but will encourage make-ups of any tests missed throughout the week.
- GET READY FOR SUMMER! Our next Nutrition Challenge kicks off Monday, May 7th. Stay posted for full details coming out over the next few weeks.
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