New Albany, Monday, 03/26/18


*Deload Week

With the end of the CrossFit Open, we officially kick off our new 2018 programming year. For the next 2 weeks we’ll be using strength circuits with unilateral movements (on side at a time), coupled with core + activation movements. The goal is to put the muscle under tension for a long period of time, focus on moving slow, and learning/enforcing proper positions. Metcons will be longer on average with a focus on non-stop movement to help build an aerobic base. We’ll also be mixing things up a little just to have fun! Week 3 will be a testing week. This will be something we’ll do 1-2 more times over the year, with the goal being to get a good assessment of our baseline, and then retesting as we build through cycles. This should be a fun week, and we’re really excited to try this new format. After testing week, we’ll kick off a 12 week hypertrophy cycle in order build muscle size and a strong base.

12min to complete,
3 Rounds:
5 Turkish Sit-ups (R+L)
10 Monster Walks (R+L)
10 SA KB FR Split Squat (R+L)
*Across. 3s neg on split squat

7min Ladder:
5, 10, 15, etc
Wall Balls (20/10, 14/9)
Ball Facing Burpees



A. Pause Power Sn (Hip)
5×3, across, light.
*Pause in power pos for 2s, and then in catch pos for 2s. Goal is staying light, fast, and owning the positions you hold.

B. Back Squat
3×10, across, light

C. SL Hip Ext
3×15 / leg, foot on 20″ box



A. 12 Min AMRAP of Cindy:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats

-rest 3 min-

B. 12 Min AMRAP:
5 Pull ups
10 Burpees
15 Goblet Squats