East, Friday, 04/13/2018


*Testing Week*


15min to build to a 5RM

Core / Midline

One attempt
Max Distance Farmer Carry
*100 ft laps to failure. One rep marked for every 25m (70, 53)


For time:
2000m Row


*No extra competitor work this week. Competitors should put all their effort and intensity into preparing for and executing tests.


A. 8 Min EMOM:
Min 1: 30 Sec Banded Leg Kickbacks/Side
Min 2: 12-15 DB Push Press

B. For Time:
30 KB Squat Cleans
60 Box Jump Overs
30 KB Squat Cleans

EMOM: 10 Sit Ups

*once finished, you must complete 10 sit ups emom until everyone is finished with the workout


  • Redeemed and Dominant viewing party tonight (4.13) at 7pm.
  • Emily Bickers Class from Dunn PT for Pelvic Floor, and conditions such as Diastases
  • Hours – Saturday 8-12, Sunday 1-3
  • April Newsletter is out. If you do not see it in your inbox please check your junk/spam folder. If you do not receive it please ask one of your coaches to forward it to you.