East, Tuesday, 05/08/2018


*Deload Week


10min Ring Dip Skill Work


6 Rounds

200m Run
10 Burpees
30 DUs

– rest :30 between rounds –


5min Jump Rope
*Mix it up. Singles, doubles, alt, etc. Goal is 5min constant bouncing. 

6min EMOM:
5 Depth Drops (12″ box, pause for 3 sec in the landing position)

*We’ll be building through plyometric progressions during our next cycle. Plyometrics use a ton of tendon and ligament strength along with coordination and thus take a long time to develop. Even the best athletes can get benefits out of working technique on depth jumps.


Alternating Tabata:
1. Speed Skaters
2. Air Squats


1 Round every 3 Mins for 3 Rounds:
30 Med Ball Mountain Climber
20 Med Ball Sit ups
10 Med Ball Push ups
*These are sprints // Score is slowest round


3 Rounds NFT:
10 Double KB Deadlifts
100m Farmers Carry