East, Monday, 05/14/2018
*Base Week – We are now in month 2 of our 3 month cycle. This week will we start Back Squats, Barbell Bench Press, and keep the RDL (just without tempos). We will be doing these movements for the next 8 weeks in various reps and sets, so focus this first week is getting perfect form, not how much weight can I put on the bar – you have 7 more weeks for that 😉
Back Squat
3×10 across
*Leave 2-3 reps in the tank
-ss w-
Nordic Curls
For time:
Hang P. Clean 75, 55
Tuck ups
20 Pistols between each round
*10L then 10R
**RX+ 95, 65
We will be working in some pistol work over the next couple months. Our plan while we are earlier in the programming year is to do multiple reps on each leg, as opposed to alternating like pistols are normally programmed. Come prepared to scale one step more than normal since we aren’t yet use to this stimulus.
6 Min EMOM:
Min 1: Ring Push Ups
Min 2: SA Bent Over Row (30 Sec/Side)
20 Min AMRAP
20 T2B
30 Double Unders
400m Run
- Bring a Friend Day this Thursday!
- Teams of 3 Partner Regional Workout this Saturday…grab two of your favorite gym buddies and come to 9 or 10am CrossFit class!
- To aid in our coaches being able to better charge your accounts from ProShop purchases be on the lookout for an abbreviation sheet for each product.