East, Wednesday, 02/14/2018
CROSSFIT *Base Week* Weightlifting 12 min to Build to a moderately Heavy Snatch Metcon 1 Minute of ME at each Station 1. OHS…
CROSSFIT *Base Week* Weightlifting 12 min to Build to a moderately Heavy Snatch Metcon 1 Minute of ME at each Station 1. OHS…
CROSSFIT *Base Week* 20 Minute Partner Relay 8 Double KB Clean 35, 26 25 ft Double KB Front Rack Lunge 35, 26 12…
CROSSFIT *Base Week* In teams of 3: EMOM x 18 min For Reps Min 1) DB Power Cleans Min 2) Double Unders Min…
CROSSFIT *Base Week* Gymnastic Skill Work 3 rounds of: Musle Up Skill work 3 -4 x (1-2 MU + 2 Ring Dips) +…
CROSSFIT Gymnastics: MU Progressions HSPU Metcon: For time: 30-20-10 Alt. DB Snatch 50, 35 Box Jumps *After every set of Box Jumps perform…